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Since coffee beans naturally generate carbon dioxide after roasting, direct packaging can easily cause damage to the packaging, and prolonged exposure to air will cause the loss of aroma and lead to the oxidation of oil and aroma components in the coffee, resulting in a decline in quality. Therefore, the packaging of coffee beans (powder) is particularly important. Let’s take a look at how to choose coffee packaging!

The classification of coffee packaging bags can be roughly divided into three categories: green bean export packaging, roasted coffee bean (powder) packaging, and instant coffee packaging. Among these three categories, roasted coffee beans (powder) packaging is common in the market, which can be divided into 4 types of bags. type of packaging:

1. Flexible non-airtight packaging

This is the most economical one. Usually used by small local bakeries because they can guarantee quick supply. The coffee beans can be consumed in time. Coffee beans in this packaging can only be stored for a short period of time.

2. Airtight packaging

Suitable for bar, home or indirect supply (supermarket, etc.). Both sachets and cans will work, after the coffee is filled, vacuumed and sealed. Due to the formation of carbon dioxide during the roasting process, this package can only be packaged after the coffee has been left for a period of time to deaerate, so there is a storage interval of several days. Coffee beans last longer than ground coffee. Low cost since no separation from air is required during storage. Coffee in this packaging should be used up within 10 weeks.

3. One-way valve packaging

Available in pouches and cans. After roasting, the coffee is placed in a special vacuum container with a one-way valve. This valve allows gas to go out, but not in. A separate storage phase is not required, but the aroma is somewhat lost due to the outgassing process. It avoids the formation of rancid smells, but does not prevent the loss of aromas.

4. Pressurized packaging

This is the most expensive way, but keeps the coffee for up to two years. The size depends on the type of user: home or bar. After a few minutes of roasting, the coffee can be vacuum-packed. After adding some inert gas, keep the proper pressure inside the package. The coffee beans are kept under pressure, leaving the aroma on the fat, thereby improving the aroma of the beverage.

In addition to bags, there are also cans: cans are generally metal and glass, both with plastic lids for easy sealing.

The packaging of instant coffee is relatively simple. Generally, small sealed bags are used, mainly long strips, and outer packaging boxes are also provided. Of course, there are also some canned instant coffee supplies on the market.

The color of coffee packaging also has certain rules. According to the convention formed in the industry, the color of finished coffee packaging reflects the characteristics of coffee to a certain extent:

Red-packaged coffee generally has a thicker taste, which can make the drinker quickly wake up from the good dream of last night;

Black-packaged coffee belongs to high-quality small fruit coffee;

Gold-packed coffee symbolizes wealth and wealth, indicating that it is the best in coffee;

Coffee packaged in blue is generally “decaffeinated” coffee.

We share the content of coffee packaging bags here. If you want to know more about food packaging bags, please follow our website: or https://www.zekunpackaging. com/

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